
Mathematics is a very inter-connected subject.

It is necessary to make cross-curricular and intra-curricular links so that pupils gain a sound mathematical understanding.

Pupils who do well at maths understand the connections. Pupils who do not do well at maths see it as a collection of isolated topics.

Maths is taught daily and we believe that the essential characteristics of mathematician include:

  • An understanding of the important concepts and an ability to make connections within mathematics
  • A broad range of skills in using and applying mathematics
  • Fluent knowledge and recall of number facts and the number system
  • The ability to show initiative in solving problems in a wide range of contexts, including the new or unusual
  • The ability to think independently and to persevere when faced with challenges, showing a confidence of success.
  • The ability to embrace the value of value of learning from mistakes and false starts
  • The ability to reason, generalise and make sense of solutions
  • Fluency in performing written and mental calculations and mathematical techniques
  • A wide range of mathematical vocabulary
  • A commitment to and passion for the subject

 We place great emphasis on learning through games, problems and practical tasks coupled with an uncompromising goal of learning and memorising key facts such as times tables as soon as possible and using high quality concrete resources in the early years. Together this approach creates real mathematicians.

There are nine threshold concepts in maths and these are:

  • Know and use number:
    This concept involves understanding the number system and how they are used in a wide variety of mathematical ways.
  • Add and subtract:
    This concept involves understanding both the concepts and processes of addition and subtraction.
  • Multiply and divide:
    This concept involves understanding both the concepts and processes of multiplication and division.
  • Use fractions:
    This concept involves understanding the concept of part and whole and ways of calculating using it.
  • Understand the properties of shapes:
    This concept involves recognising the names and properties of geometry shapes and angles.
  • Describe position, direction and movement:
    This concept involves recognising various types of mathematical movements.
  • Use measures:
    This concept involves becoming familiar with a range of measures, devices used for measuring and calculations.
  • Use statistics:
    This concept involves interpreting, manipulating and presenting data in various ways.
  • Use algebra:
    This concept involves recognising mathematical properties and relationships using symbolic representation

Pupils are given a firm foundation of basic numeracy skills and mathematical understanding in Foundation Stage. Opportunities for developing mental mathematical skills occur every day. Pupils are challenged with a broad and varied range of mathematical experiences and activities. In Reception, pupils are actively counting, measuring and estimating and giving verbal or pictorial responses. Pupils progress through the school developing their mental and written calculations strategies, and learning how to apply their knowledge and skills in problem solving activities. Computers and calculators support and extend mathematical experiences. We want our pupils to enjoy the world of mathematics and to come to see themselves as able mathematicians with ability to apply their knowledge to real life situations and to see the relevance of mathematics in their lives.

The end of year expectations for each year group in Mathematics

Mathematics Curriculum Map and Overview

Progression Map for Mathematics